Film -kritik och tips tack!

Sv: Film -kritik och tips tack!

hey now im bowlegged! LOL

But, unfortunatly im going to disagree on the barrelrace saddles fit... they're awesome for a high speed lope around barrels - but most of them barrelracers fall forward something horrible when they're trying to trott their horses and cant sit down to save their lives. Shoulders tipped forward, pancreas (spelling?) totally tilted forward thus riding on their.. ehm.. "front" and not the sitting bones. Too "svankigt" (i honeslty do not know how to translate that word at all), same disease you can find in the classic saddles. They get locked and all they do is bounce, collecting or riding balanced at anything but a lope is impossible when the rider is placed like that unfortunatly. Then again, the riders overall body affetcs it too and not just the seat/hips. Tbh the comfiest saddle i ever rode in was a reining saddle... but then again it was prolly the only one part from my own new one that acctually fit my butt haha >.< my own isnt even broke in yet :(

Bowleged Woman :eek: been riding hubby´s old roper too much eh:rofl:

Maybe falling forward is the answer too riding comfortable and feeling secure.
Jockys..even women jockys ride far forward at speed, I know I do when I let Amigo blow out in over drive.
Women in endurance-jumping and field events lean forward.

Found this:
Dressage Meets Cowboy 2009
watch the sitting/leg position, flow of movment in all gaits.
then watch when they switch horses.
The cowboy maintains his flow without too much bounce...even on the big sorral :bump:
the queeny has got a good bounce and grind going..even on the little quarter:bump:
Notice as the faster she goes the more she´ll lean back bending her knees so the heels are way behind her vertical line. She comes so far back that her back bone (lower back curve) is locked up, look´s like shes got a board straped from her neck down too her tailbone.
Thanks too Deb Bennets writing and pictures it is easier too understand what is happening.

I have never liked the Mix Judging Competitions in Pleasure/Reining/Dressage Classes!
Judging between two differant riding styles is not fair too either man or woman compeditors.
Sv: Film -kritik och tips tack!

"svankigt" (i honeslty do not know how to translate that word at all)

Hollowback (mer i hästform va?!?), hollow, sway-back (svankrygg)
(och någonting med "arch") är vad jag kommer ihåg på rak arm...

När det begav sig fick jag även skäll för "sagging", och jag hade stora
problem med att vara för "svankig"..

Men böja får du göra själv. :p:D
Sv: Film -kritik och tips tack!

Hollowback (mer i hästform va?!?), hollow, sway-back (svankrygg)
(och någonting med "arch") är vad jag kommer ihåg på rak arm...

När det begav sig fick jag även skäll för "sagging", och jag hade stora
problem med att vara för "svankig"..

Men böja får du göra själv. :p:D

Sv: Film -kritik och tips tack!

Nej, det var sagging. Jag hängde inte hopsjunken framåt, jag hade för mycket
böj i svanken a k a puta med magen.
Sv: Film -kritik och tips tack!

Leaf: no, falling forward is the Biggest NONO ever, which comes from tentions and a badly "angeld" pelvis. It puts you off balance with your shoulders forward, quick and easy to "drop off" over the shoulder of the horse. ..been there, done that..

if you check some of my ole vids i've posted you can see how much i've come to ride on my "butt" and how it effectively separates my shoulders from my hips following the horses movements. Even in a saddle thats 2" too big for me I sit allright (sat allright... i aint too damn sure what it looks like now >.<)

My ole white mare is a breeze to sit on but one of my friends couldnt sit on her in a trot - let alone collect her. She kept bouncing all over the place, and finally i had to try to figure it out. Like Mustang was getting at, she was riding too "svankigt" with a locked lower back thus falling forward on her pelvis, sitting on the part of the pelvis called ischium and not the sitting bones (Ischial tuberosity i think is its clinical name) which not only gave her a VERY uncomfy ride but buggin the hll outta my ole mare. Her shoulders fell forward and she couldnt have separated her hands from her body if her life so depended on it. I studied her seat and crawled on and tried copying it and omfg i was laughing so hard i was crying. Her body was basicly in the same angles as it should have been in a 2 point seat but she was trying to ride in a 3 point seat.. just didnt work.

When a female rider finds her acctual sitting bones and stop trying to sit on the Whole friggin bone under her butt, manages to relax in the lower back (svanken) she can find a way to "separate" her shoulders, hands, hips and legs and get away from freakishly bad seats and severe backpain + 'em nasty ridingsores... :o One thing that might realy help is hoolahoop training! Guys and girls might need a little differance in the sitting training due to our bodies different angles and different strenghts.
Sv: Film -kritik och tips tack!

stlar min egen knapp: nu kan jag beratta varfor vi inte lyckas oversatta "svankig" jag lyckas inte hitta nagon term for det over huvudtaget och maken glodde bara pa mig som jag var en idiot nar jag forsokte forklara vad jag menade... overly bent in the lumber area, plus tentions in the muscles around the lumbar/in the lumbar? (yeeeeey tankeverksamhet 101!)
Sv: Film -kritik och tips tack!

ooo lanar min knapp igen och kanner mig dum for tydligen ar det inte direkt vanligt med hjulbenta kvinns som jag... det har jag aldrig tankt pa faktiskt

"The lumbar curve is greater in women and the pelvis is tilted anteriorly (anteversion), which makes for the sway-backed appearance often found in women. If the waist in women is longer and smaller, it is because the thorax is more constricted at the base and the pelvis is generally not as high.

The most important difference between the male and female skeletons is found at the level of the pelvis. The female pelvis is adapted for gestation: it is not as high and is proportionately wider than that of the male. The sacrum of the female is wider and the pelvic ring is wider and more circular to facilitate the passage of the newborn. As the pelvic ring is wider, the acetabula (the fossa in which the heads of the femurs lodge) are farther apart, which increases the distance between the greater trochanters and consequently the width of the hips.

Greater hip width in women influences the position of the femurs, which are often more angled than in men, giving them a slight X shape.

A wide pelvis with a significant angle of the femur can provoke genu valgum, accentuated all the more by the hyperlaxity toward which women tend. The legs then take on a typical X shape: the articulation at the knee is excessively solicited; the medial collateral ligament is overstretched; and the lateral meniscus, the cartilage-covered articular surfaces of the external condyle of the femur, and the lateral tuberosity of the tibia are subjected to excessive loads, which may lead to premature wear.

Pathological genu valgum is accompanied by medial collapse at the ankle and the disappearance of the plantar arch (flat foot), which may involve pain because of excessive stretching of certain muscles in the sole of the foot.

It is very important to take into account the individual morphologies and to remember that women are more often prone to genu valgum pathologies, whereas men more frequently suffer from bow-legs (genu varum). People with very noticeable genu valgum should therefore work out carefully, avoid training with heavy weights, and always perform the movements so as to avoid impacts that would aggravate knee and ankle problems." ratt intressant och nyttig lasning, om an kanske slightly off topic, man kanske nyttigt for oss kvinnliga ryttare att tanka pa.. :)

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