Vilken ras är du???

Sv: Vilken ras är du???

I vanlig ordning lyckades jag inte med att hitta svaret...
Fick ett lösenord och ett "konto", var hittar jag rasen där???:confused:

Milene, som är lite trögare än alla andra...:mad:
Sv: Vilken ras är du???

Yes, jag lyckades...:banana:
och jag var en golden retriever...! och en sån har jag haft, ja...:rofl:
Sv: Vilken ras är du???

Alltså jag blev en chihuahua och jag har Siberian husky...Illa...:laugh:
Sv: Vilken ras är du???

Anki, you're a Scottish Terrier! No bones about it, you're an adventurous Scottish Terrier. Fearless, feisty, and always up for a challenge, you like having things your way. Some people might even label you stubborn or headstrong. But we know you're just ambitious and motivated. (Being misinterpreted is such a trial, isn't it?) Besides, your can-do attitude serves you well when facing challenges at work or in your personal life. No job is too big, and absolutely no obstacle is going to stand in your way. You're always ready, willing, and able to rise to the challenge. A loyal, caring friend, you choose your pals very carefully, then stick by them through thick and thin. Woof!

Har alltid gillat terrier hundarna.....har en tax nu sådet är nästan samma:banana:
Sv: Vilken ras är du???

Anki, your breed of dog at work is a Jack Russell Terrier
You want to get down to business when it comes to the workplace. You want to make your opinions known and you want to be there to accept the credit for them.

Bara inse, jag ska ha terrier :rofl:
Sv: Vilken ras är du???

Isabelle, you're a Bernese Mountain Dog! No bones about it, you're a good-hearted, people-loving Bernese Mountain Dog. Down-to-earth and loyal, no one works or plays harder than you do. You put your nose to the grindstone when it really counts, but you never neglect your social calendar. Simultaneously strong and sweet, you're very tuned-in to the feelings and needs of the other dogs you run with. Without having to be asked, you always have a helping paw to lend and a sympathetic shoulder to lean on. "Communication" is your middle name, and when that's paired with your unswerving devotion, you get a breed that everyone respects and trusts. Woof!

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