
Sv: vdnt32.sys

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Sv: vdnt32.sys

Är det ett känt virus finns det botemedel!
Kollade lite på Symantecs hemsida och hittade följande:

The virus name Bloodhound.W32.1 is used exclusively by Symantec antivirus products when a potentially unknown virus is found using Symantec Bloodhound technology. Bloodhound technology consists of heuristic algorithms that are used to detect unknown viruses. The actual file that is detected under Bloodhound.W32.1 is likely to be infected with a new Win32 file-infecting virus.

Please submit samples that are detected as Bloodhound.W32.1 to Symantec Security Response so that these new viruses and variants can be identified and assigned specific names; then we can provide you with more information about their nature. To learn how to submit a file, read the document for the type of Symantec antivirus product that you are using:

Consumer products
If you are using a Symantec consumer antivirus product, such as Norton AntiVirus 2000/2001/2002, click here.
Enterprise products
If you are using a Symantec enterprise (corporate) antivirus product, such as Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition 7.0, click here.

Bloodhound.W32.1 is detected only in Portable Executable (PE) files. Such viruses might be able to replicate on Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP systems. Bloodhound.W32.1 can detect different types of viruses, including some difficult polymorphic or metamorphic viruses. Repair is not available when a virus is first discovered as Bloodhound.W32.1. When possible, repair is made available after the file has been submitted to Symantec Security Response and the new virus has been identified under a specific name.
Sv: vdnt32.sys

Nu är inte min engelska speciellt god men betyder det där något i stil med att viruset döpt till bloodhound.packed (som vår heter) när det inte tidigare är känt för Symantec? Och att jag då måste anmäla det för Symantec för att man ska kunna göra något åt det?


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