Från BETAs hemsida: (gäller BETA 2000)
Level 1
Black label Protectors providing a lower level of protection that is only considered appropriate for licences jockeys.
Level 2
Brown label Protectors providing a lower than normal level of protection that is only considered appropriate for use in low risk situations. These DO NOT include riding on roads or other hard surfaces, riding over jumps, riding young or excitable horses, or riding while still inexperienced.
Level 3
Purple label Protectors providing a level of protection that is considered appropriate for normal horse riding, competitions and for working with horses. Protectors to this level should:
Prevent minor bruising that would have produced stiffness and pain.
Reduce significant soft tissue injuries to the level of bruising.
Prevent a limited number of rib fractures.
Jag har bara en gammal trea och både borde och vill köpa en ny. Men det får vänta tills jag vet att jag kommer fortsätta rida...