Pimp my Joe!!!



asikterna gar isar till denna speciella pojke som ar reggad som roan men ser ut som en.. eh tja.. musblack/version av grulla.

Vaaaaaaaad ska vi ha for farg pa kraket?

Beige? (oh mi gaaawd sa tradigt..)

..kycklinggult? ..bara for att jag ar svensk da ;)


och nar man inte vet... sa vander man sig till - Buke! :D :banana:


(ursakta ridstilen, vi har lite.. diskutioner o de korta stigladrena kommer sig av att Joe har lite.. problem med temepramentet ibland. Forsta ridturen for mig pa honom nar han fortfarande inte var var..... Nagra knackta revben senare sa kopte vi honom. Underbare lille tjockesnotten.)
Senast ändrad:
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

Han hade varit snygg i någon stark färg, turkos kanske?:)

Eller lila, lila är ALLTID snyggt:D
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

Jag är galen i lila men jag tror att han skulle vara ursnygg i turkos eller någon annan slags ljusblå färg.
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

:) Tack allihopa!

Turkost har vi inte ens tankt pa, men nu nar ni sager det sa skulle det nog vara riktigt lackert :d

O Volvo, tack ;) Jag ar lite kar i honom jag med, fast just nu ser han ut som ett marsvin som varit tuggleksak :cool: fortsatter de brota sa har sa kommer han fa ga med Gammelman i egen hage :rofl:
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!


asikterna gar isar till denna speciella pojke som ar reggad som roan men ser ut som en.. eh tja.. musblack/version av grulla.

Vaaaaaaaad ska vi ha for farg pa kraket?

Beige? (oh mi gaaawd sa tradigt..)

..kycklinggult? ..bara for att jag ar svensk da ;)


och nar man inte vet... sa vander man sig till - Buke! :D :banana:


(ursakta ridstilen, vi har lite.. diskutioner o de korta stigladrena kommer sig av att Joe har lite.. problem med temepramentet ibland. Forsta ridturen for mig pa honom nar han fortfarande inte var var..... Nagra knackta revben senare sa kopte vi honom. Underbare lille tjockesnotten.)

Is it summer there allready???
I still got snow up here.
Got Amigo shoed, we rode up in the wood´s but only got half way, trees are down over the trail, will have to take the chain saw upp and clear the trail.

Dark horse in the shadow, hard to see his true color.
A light color outfit gives a good contrast with a dark horse.
Lill?? look like a christmas tree!!!
Light + Tuquois?? make you look like a Navi, could be cool.
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

bara jag som tycker han passar görfint ihop med färgen du har på linnet? :)
Lite ljusare tegelfärgat hade också varit snyggt. och likaså en lite mörkare variant av orange (alltså inte knallig i färgen)
Grymt läcker kuse btw :love:
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

God no.. still spring here... Got some of the boys rode today, not Joe tho he had a huggies and kissies therapysession instead... :rofl: things Are slowly getting green, but that pic is from last summer second day he was here or sumtin like that.. :)
And yeah.. light should work great with turkoise on him! Very true!! :D

Nethril, jag hade den tanken med... lite rostigt lixom, men det tyckte inte maken :rofl: hmm.. kanske senapsgult? Du vet sadar morkt gulorange som stark stark senap ar? O tack ;) Jag gillar honom med.... :angel: han kan nog bli riktigt fin om nagra ar.. :rofl:
Senast ändrad:
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

Vinrött med en skarp gäll stripe som bryter av i någon annan färg som grön, rosa eller turkos...är mitt förslag ;)

...and we have deep snow here:cool:
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!


Det var vadret igar.... och varan Jac, dash4cash-"bebisen", inte riden pa 6 manader o vi har inte ridit sen november, sa lite halvringrostigt :rofl: Fick iaf 4 av pojkarna ridna igar, eller ja 3 av vara o sa red vi lite pa en av inackorderingarna "bara for att" nar vi anda verkade honom. Idag sager de att det ska bli +15 grader, soligt o fint.. klockan e 7 pa morron, men det ar redan jattetrevligt ute. Tog lite fler videos igar men har inte orkat klippa ihop mer an den, om inte annat kanske ni far lite skratt.

Joe kommer fa vanta en vecka, jag vill jobba lite med hans inre stress forst - gillar inte att han far nervos mage sa fort man satter en grimma pa honom sa han ska fa lite puss o gull o kel ett tag nu

Uuuuuuuuunderbart med vaaaaaaaar!!! :love: fast hastarna faller ju sa man ser ut som en fargglad palsjacka nar man kommer in.
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

Thanks for the film, you guys are a little ahead of us.
Is that your pleasure horse for the Calgary Stamped Parade?
I see ol Tras get´s them buggers going on the rein so he can start roping on em.
Will finish shoeing Amigo tomorrow, I can get through some of the trails.
Need to get him out for a couple of good burn outs so he´ll settle down and start working.
Don´t think we put the cows out till June, going too be late this year.
When do you guys start the spring branding?
In case you don´t know the ol saying:
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

Hehe today it's lovely.. and im paintin fences.. lol

Hmm.. Joe's our lil projectbaby, no idea what he'll end up becomin. He is a finished headinhorse tho, he just hafta quit blowin up :rofl: Esch, he's good, just a few issues to get a grip on.

Jac? A pleasurepony? o0 Godno, he's the horse thats used for roundin up and movin mares. That lil thing is a groundcovering powerfull little tool. Handy as heck unless he get's hotheaded, momma was a racehorse ya see. Works ok on a rope, as long as he's out in the open with no ppl around, he don't like people....

Trase's just as lazy as i am... just prefer it if the pony's easy to turn :rofl: and dont need to get paddled...

Hmm.. guessin the branding will start in may, they calv fairly late here... but our steers are coming next week. :cool: 100 of'em.
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

Oh, I thouhgt he´s the one who was going in the parade.
You guys are going too Calgary???
The calving has been going on here for the last 4 weeks! Cowman Leif is up too his hips in calves, will drive up to him and look at his stock.
I hope you can get in some video roping & branding this year, would be nice too see The Real Thing again, if only on youtube.
Best get out and shoe Amigo and hit the trail.
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

Don't realy know yet, depends on how everything else goes... Might keep an eye out to see what kinda fun stuff goes on in Brandon and Regina, so much closer! And I'd love to be in Regina for the Royal Red Ribbon, but hubby gets a little bit frustrated being around so many arabs :rofl:

I'll try to video as much as possible, i think you're not the only one that'd wanna see some pastureroping and cattlebranding. Besides, it's good for us to See how the horses works, not only feel it.. depends a lil on what i end up doin during the brandings tho, can't deworm and film at the same time ;) but i should be able to get atleast one videod. (And ofcourse the teamropin too.. Of course! :))

It's officially spring now, bushbunny have come out, we have a new stray cat hanging around the place, i saw two racoons flirting yesterday, goofers are out... and last night, sitting out in the WARM evening.. first i heard the geese, then racoons arguing and two seconds after that Yotehowling... it's hard to miss the spring here
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

Aha :grin: So you never told hubby you need a couple of High Steppin Ali Babis for shows and races :confused:
And all that work you put in over the winter sewing new drop dead outfits :love:

The Trans have come, barn swallows too.
Other than stiff muscles it was a good day, sunny, got Amigo shod and a run up the trail, see if I can get some muscle on him.

Know you will be buisy with the spring branding, if you get a little filming in GREAT!!!!!
Sv: Pimp my Joe!!!

rofl, i think i'll just stick with these boys.... after all, they're all purdy wellbreed wellworking goofballs. ;) Might not be the flashies of ponies, but heck, there's allways Yeller for when we need the flashyflashy eyecatching "Katching!"

haven't sewn anything part from 2 sweatblankets... and they're only halfdone. Gonna put on the breastpiece and stitch some names on'em. One day... prolly a rainy day.

Now, finally, our steaks arrived.. so i'm off for some riding. Only me home, so no videos... lol, but i'll let ya know if anything bucked me off ;)

Have a great night! :D

Bukefalos, Hästnyheter, Radannonser

Allmänt, Barn, Dagbok

Hund, Katt, Andra Djur


