Min imports fader Festival e. Saros xx från holland, hjälp !

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Har ett sto som är importerat från holland hit till sverige.
Har gröna papper o Pappan är som sagt Festival e.Saros xx. Ngn som vet ngt om han? Skulle vara tacksam för svar !:)
Sv: Min imports fader Festival e. Saros xx från holland, hjälp !

Festival föddes 1987. Brun 166 cm.


Rapport från hans bruksprov i Ermelo
"Attentive, honest, friendly, obedient with good humor. He was saddle broke at the start of the test. He is easy to work and is always relaxed. He gives his rider a good feeling in dressage. The walk is energetic, regular and big. The trot is big and nicely carried. The canter is good. He jumps carefully, shows good leg technique but little bascule. He is good over the jump in cross-country. He has a moderate cross-country gallop. He is very willing to work and finds it easy. He has much talent for dressage and more than sufficient talent for jumping. He was in good condition upon arrival, which did not change much."

Walk 7.5
Trot 7
Canter 7
Riding test 7.5
Free jumping 5
Show jumping 6.5
Cross country test 6.5
Character 9
Stable behaviour 9
Training report 8
Total points 73.00
Maximal points 100
Placement 13e van 30 (16)

Han betäckte 132 ston i Holland och det registrerades 84 föl efter honom.

"Offspring 1992 (foals)
This stallion presented well-developed foals. They are sufficient riding type and have refinement and quality. The head is a little long but sufficiently expressive. The head/neck connection should be a little finer. The neck has good length with a transition to the wither/shoulder formation that should be smoother. The wither generally has sufficient length but is sometimes a little flat. The length of the shoulder is sufficient but it could slope a little more. The back and loins are good. The croup is well formed and well muscled. The stance of the foreleg is correct, it is a little long in the pastern and the feet should be a little more generous. The hindleg is correct and has good joints. Several of the selected foals had a long hindleg. In general the base should have more substance. The walk should be a little bigger. The trot varies somewhat. Frequently there was sufficient scope and power but the hindleg should sometimes come under the body more resolutely.
Two foals were inspected at home and only one of them fit in with the above picture and the other has very straight forefeet.
The stallion mostly bred moderate mares.
Shown: 17 foals out of 65 breedings.

Watchlist 2000
Festival was put on the watchlist on the basis of his 7-year old offspring. He was exported in 1993. From the index it appears that he was not able to have a positive contribution to the breeding program. With a jumping index of 98 (77%) and a dressage index of 92 (75%) the stallion was not able to improve.

Han exporterades till Tyskland 1993. Jag har inte hittat några avkommor i Tyskland.

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  • Dressyrsnack nummer 18
  • Världscupen 2024/2025
  • Födda -21

