Sorry, jag tycker det blev sämre med längre tår. Man börjar gå ifrån att verka ner trakterna för ofta blir det för stor belastning bak och tårna sticker iväg. Det är gammalt att man verkar ner trakten till sulnivå.
"WHY do we want to trim short toes on to our horses? This isn't something made up nilly willy, done for appearance, or based on someone's mental ideas about "what's best". This is based on the volume of work from the top equine hoof scientist in the USA - Dr. Robert Bowker. Two decades ago, he was proclaiming, “Short toes are the best thing you can do to a foot!” He's got the evidence, but there is still much to discuss about details & implementation.
How do we know that a horse's toe is too long? We can note the observations of Dr. Bowker obtained from collections of cadaver hooves. For a large group of sound, young horses, the measurement from the Semilunar line on the coffin bone to the tip of the coffin bone toe was 31mm. For a large group of lame horses, diagnosed with navicular, that same measurement was 40-50mm! This measurement can also be obtained using radiographs.
We can use an external measurement: from the apex of the frog to the breakover of the toe. Horses that Bowker classifies as having good feet (evidenced by full frogs) have measurements of closer to 20mm from apex to breakover. Horses that have bad feet (which are usually lame, with skinny frogs) will have 40mm-50mm or greater from apex to breakover.
For the average horseowner, you can assume that your horse - most likely - has toes too long! The overwhelming vast majority of domestic equines trimmed by typical farriers and trimmers will have toes too long, because they are not taught to shorten the toes. Measure for yourself to double check!
The danger of leaving toes too long is cumulative over time - the periosteum lifts up from the coffin bone and fills in with more bone, changing the shape of the coffin - which is why the measurement from the Semilunar line to the tip grows larger! Over time, there will be hoof deterioration and even osteoporosis of the coffin bone.
Nature did not prepare horses for domestication. It is up to US to trim their hooves to compensate for our confinement of them. Only specialized living environments can allow horses to self-trim their toes. However, corrective trimming of toes that are way too long must be done carefully - and frequently.
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