Equine care jobs..?




Sorry for the english post but I just started learning the language.. Saying hi and ordering fries pretty much wraps up my current knowledge, so I didn't think it would be of any use right now. Also terribly sorry if you're already loaded with threads like this, but language (aaand google translate) makes it pretty hard to browse through all the topics.

So the thing is, me and my sambo are planning to move to Sweden next year (earliest) and I think I'd try to get a job in animal care, maybe small pets but more like horses. I don't have high expectations, I know I won't get instant megarich and that's not the goal at the moment anyway. I had grooming & stable works in mind. I have a few years of experience in riding (cca. 10) which sounds better than it actually is, I have a couple of years experience as an animal shelter volunteer (where I look after rescue horses as well) but I have no official paper (diploma etc) in animal care as there are literally no courses here (the few existing courses worth as much as a soaking pair of socks).. I tried to look up what I need to become a groom (preferably in a riding school or so) but didn't really succeed. So is there any special qualification I need to obtain first to work in equine care? I have some distant plans for moving on as an instructor as well, but that's not really important.
I would be extremely grateful for any opinions/recommendations.

Thanks & sorry for the long post!
Senast ändrad av en moderator:
Sv: Equine care jobs..?

If you're looking for a career as a groom Sweden should not be your choice.

The jobs are far and few but you may be able to get "praktik" which is non paid work experience but that's about it, and as you don't speak the language - any instructor job would be off.

Swedes go abroad to work as grooms, not sure where you're from but I would look to go to UK or mainland Europe instead!
Sv: Equine care jobs..?

Thanks for the reply. I am willing to learn the language and as I said becoming an instructor is just a distant plan for the future (obviously).
I have lived in the UK for a few years and in my experience it's not any better with them..
It's not gonna be easy, I can clearly see that.
Sv: Equine care jobs..?

Well, it depends on what kind of job you´re interested in. I know a british girl who came to Sweden knowing absolutely no swedish at all plus that she did not have very much experience with horses, she got a job at a riding school. Not very glamorous, she took part in cleaning the stalls and taking care of the horses but she seemed to love it. It was part-time so she certinly didn´t get rich but it was a little money and something to do.

So, it can be done but you need some luck and low expectations ;)
Sv: Equine care jobs..?

Of course you could get a job as a groom at a riding school. You wouldnt need more qualifications than you already have for just working in the stables. Though learning the language probably would be a good idea so you could speak to the kids ;).
Sv: Equine care jobs..?

but then again, the riding schools often dont hire people. they let the students "help around in the stables" against some free riding lessons.

when i was a groom i found it hard to eaven find a job where they were willing to pay me a fair wage.
Sv: Equine care jobs..?

You can get a diploma as a groom and later on as a riding instructor if you want, Strömsholm is just one of the places were you can get that sort of education. You could probably get a job as a groom with your current experience, but not a very well paid one as previously mentioned. My guess is that your chances of working as a groom would benefit from getting a diploma. Good luck! :)

Sv: Equine care jobs..?

I think the conditions might be slightly better if you work with harness racing horses or in a racing yard. Since it's more money in that kind of business the chances to a better salary are slightly better.

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