Dressyrtermer - från Global DF


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As the Academy wants to promote the communication among dressage friends from all over the world, we consider the exchange of information about the content of dressage terms as an essential element.

Compiled by USDF Council of Judges, Lincoln, USA

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Above the bit
A head position in which the horse avoids acceptance of the contact by putting the muzzle forward and upward.

Lack of evasion, resistance, or protest; acquiescence. Used in reference to the horse's unresistant willingness to allow the application of aids, the maintenance of a steady contact, and/or the placement of the riders weight.

Energy, vigor, liveliness- referring especially to that of the haunches.

Against the bit
The horse avoids accepting the contact by becoming rigid or unyielding in the neck and poll and/or jaw, although the head carriage may appear superficially correct.

A gait in which the ipsilateral pairs of legs move in unison. A 'lateral walk'.

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Relative distribution of the weight of horse and rider upon the force and hind legs (longitudinal balance). The horse is in good balance when the weight is distributed evenly left and right, and sufficiently toward the rear legs that it can easily manage the task at hand. Loss of balance means the sudden increase of weight onto the forehand or to one side.

1. Footfalls within a gait. A hoof (or pairs of hooves simultaneously) striking the ground; the walk has four beats, the trot two, and the canter three.
2. In discussion of musicality in free-style, beat is often used to mean the EMPHASIZED footfall. Thus canter, in a musical context, has one [emphasized] beat, trot two, and walk two.

Behind the bit, Behind the aids, Behind the legs
An evasion in which the horse reacts or shrinks back from the bit/contact, avoiding stepping into the contact. The head may or may not be behind the vertical. Accurate visual diagnosis of this condition is usually not possible; often it can only be verified by the rider.

Behind the Vertical
The head position in which the horse's nostril falls behind the imaginary line dropped from the horse's eye (i.e., toward the chest). NOT the same as 'Behind the bit'.

The laterally arced position in which the horse's body appears to form an even curve from poll to tail. Examples of faulty bend are bending only in the neck, only ad the base of the neck, or bent toward the wrong direction.

The hind legs are prevented from stepping through by the sustained contraction of the muscles of the back.

Lacking clarity in a transition between the gaits or paces.

Broken Neckline
The position of the neck in which there is excessive flexion between the 2nd and 3rd, or 3rd and 4th, cervical vertebrae, so that the poll is no longer the highest point of the skeleton, and the topline of the neck no longer forms an even, smooth arc.

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Marked accenting of the rhythm with elasticity

The hind legs placed out behind the horse's body, not engaged. Same as 'parked'. Used in reference to the halt.

The posture of the horse. Syn: Profile, Outline.

Chewing the Bit
The movements of the horse's mouth- gently and softly mouthing the bit- showing mobility and relaxation of the jaw and causing secretion of saliva for a 'wet mouth'. Not to be confused with snapping or grinding of the teeth.

Marked distinction between the footfalls of a gait.

Closed Halt
A posture at the halt in which the horse is secure in balance and attitude, and has the hind legs sufficiently under the body so that the weight of the horse and rider is distributed fairly evenly over all four legs.

State in which the horse is gathered together. Relative to working and medium paces, the strides are shorter (yet powerful), the outline appears shorter with the neck rising unrestrained out of lifted withers, and the engagement (support phase) is more marked.

The boldness and self-assurance with which the horse performs, and the trust in his partnership with the rider.

The lack of blockage, breaks, or slack in the circuit that joins horse and rider into a single harmonious unit. The unrestricted flow of energy and influence from the rider to (and throughout) the horse, and back to the rider. 'Through- lettingness'.

Forced or compelled against the will. Not necessarily the same as 'restrained' (the horse may be constrained to move forward at speed).

Limited by constrained, restrained or sustained muscular contraction. Held together, forcefully shortened, or physically tight.

Tautness or stretch of the reins. Correct contact, or acceptance of contact, is determined by the elasticity of the connection between horse and rider.

Lack of alignment or straightness of the horse's spine.

Cross canter
The horse canters on one lead in front and on the other lead behind. Same as disunited.

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Distinction, clear demarcation. Usually used in reference to transitions within gaits (between paces).

Willful determination to avoid doing what is asked, or determination to do what is not asked.

Disunited (canter)
Same as cross- canter.

Refers to dragging of the hind feet or inactivity of the hind legs (rather than to lack of parallelism in leg-yield and half-pass).

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The ability or tendency to stretch and contract the musculature smoothly, giving the impression of 'stretchiness' or 'springiness'.

1. The raising of the head and neck unrestrained out of the withers.
2. Applied to piaffe to mean height of action of the forelegs..

Engaged halt
See 'Closed Halt'. (a halt can be square but not engaged.)

Increased flexion of the joints of the hind legs and of the sacro-lumbar area, lowering the croup relative to the forehand, with the hind legs supporting a greater proportion of the load. A prerequisite for thrust/impulsion.

Avoidance of the difficulty, correctness, or purpose of the movement, often without active resistance or disobedience (e.g., tilting head, open mouth, broken neckline, etc.). Bit evasions are means of avoiding correct contact with the bit.


Stretching and lengthening of the outline and stride and, in trot and canter, an increased phase of suspension. The horse covers as much ground as possible with each stride, but maintains the same tempo.

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Falling In, Falling On Inside Shoulder, Falling Out, Falling Over Outside Shoulder
Lateral deviation of the shoulders caused by loss of balance

Geometrical component of a dressage test, such as circle, change of rein, figure of eight. Erroneously used interchangeably with 'movement'.

The ability to move the joins freely.

Articulation of a joint so that the angle between the bones is decreased. 'Longitudinal flexion' commonly refers to flexion of the head- neck joint (the atlanto- occipital joint). 'Lateral flexion' or 'position', commonly refers to flexion of the second cervical (neck) joint (atlanto-axial joint).

A direction. Forward designates where the horse goes, not how he gets there.
'More forward' is not an accurate expression to designate more impulsion, speed, tempo or stride length. Expressions such as 'needs energy', 'needs reach', 'needs longer strides', 'needs to cover more ground', 'needs livelier tempo', etc. more accurately express HOW the horse should proceed in a forward direction.
Accurate usage of the phrase 'more forward' is in reference to standing still, moving backward, or too much sideways (e.g., in move-off from halt the horse steps sideways or backward; in leg-yield or half-pass there is too much sideways component and not enough forward component).

The longer or shorter outline of the horse dictated by the relative degree of extension or collection.

The reach and scope, and lack of constriction, in the movement of the fore and hind limbs.

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Any of the various foot movements of a horse, as a walk, trot, pace, canter, or gallop. For dressage purposes, there are three gaits- walk, trot, and canter.

Exaggerated movement of the forelegs, in which the forefeet are not set down where the forelegs are pointing, but are retracted. Also called flipping, boxing or kicking.

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Half Halt
A momentary increase of collection, or an effect of the aids which increases the attention and improves the balance of the horse.

Hollow back
Sagging or depressed back caused by slackness or sustained contraction of the back muscles- lacking springy tension and impeding swing and elasticity.

Hurried, Hasty, Quick, Rushed, Rapid
All refer to quickness of tempo.

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Thrust. The impression given by the horse of a desire to carry himself forward and spring off the ground. Increased engagement is a prerequisite for improved impulsion.
Sv: Dressyrtermer - från Global DF

Väldigt praktiskt, synd bara att endast halva alfabetet kom med.
Kan någon ge mig ett svenskt ord för impulsion, står lite still i huvudet eller så har jag mental tunghäfta ;)
Sv: Dressyrtermer - från Global DF

Man får bara lägga in 10000 ord i Buke....


Thrust. The impression given by the horse of a desire to carry himself forward and spring off the ground. Increased engagement is a prerequisite for improved impulsion.
1. The direction toward which the horse should be positioned (laterally) or bent.
2. The side of the horse that is toward the center of the ring (often called 'inwards').
The former takes precedence if the two are not the same (as in counter-canter).
Impure, unlevel, or uneven. Can be momentary or pervasive, and may or may not be due to unsoundness. Does not mean unsteady in tempo.
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Execution after the aids. Usually applied to flying changes and transitions.
Late Behind
In flying changes, the hind legs change after the forelegs.
1. To the side, as in flexion, bend, suppleness, or direction of movement.
2. Impurity in walk (ambling or pacing) or canter; rarely trot.
Elongation of the stride and the outline of the horse.
1. Upward thrust. The degree to which the horse thrusts off the ground.
2. Applied to piaffe to mean the lifting of the forelegs.
Refers to the horse's lightness on its feet and lightness in the reins, a component of self-carriage.
In the lengthwise dimension (as opposed to lateral), from front-to-back or back-to-front.
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Magpie (Magpie hop)
The hind legs come down together (usually applied to canter pirouettes and flying changes).
Purposefulness in the steps of the walk.
A pace between collected and extended, with moderate lengthening of the outline and relative upward thrust than in extension.
Easy maneuverability of the shoulder/forehand, made possible by shifting of weight to the hindquarters.
1. The manner in which the horse moves over the ground.
2. A section of a dressage test to be scored
3. A gymnastic exercise (shoulder-in, half-pass, etc.) as opposed to a figure (circle, change of rein, etc.) or a transition.
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Willingness to perform the movement, transition, or figure asked by the rider. May demonstrate resistance or evasion, yet still be 'obedient' (e.g., the horse may perform a series of flying changes without mistakes and in the right place, but is behind the bit, tilted in the head with mouth open and tail swishing, reluctant to go sufficiently forward, etc., thus he obediently performs the task, but not necessarily submissively, supplely, etc.).
On the aids
The horse responds instantly and generously to all the aids accepting the contact and maintaining connection.
On the bit
Supple and quiet acceptance of the contact with a stretched neck and with lateral and longitudinal flexion as required.
On the forehand
Longitudinally poor balance; the horse places too much weight on the forelegs for the task at hand.
The carriage, posture, profile, or silhouette of the horse.
1. The direction away from which the horse should be positioned or bent.
2. The side that is away from the center of the arena (often called outside).
The former takes precedence if the two are not the same (as in counter-canter).
Excessive lateral displacement of the neck relative to the body, occurring in the neck itself or at the base of the neck, causing lack of uniformity of the lateral curve of the horse. (No longer used in reference to longitudinal flexion.)
Behind the vertical. (No longer used in reference to the lateral dimension.)
Overstep, Overstride, Overtrack
The placement of the hind foot in front of the print of the fore food.
Turned more than 180 degrees in a half-pirouette, or more than 360 degrees in a full pirouette.
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1. Any one of the variations within each gait: collected, working, lengthened, medium, extended.
2. A gait in which the ipsilateral pairs of legs move in unison (also called 'amble'- not a pure or correct gait for dressage).
The hind legs placed out behind the horse's body, not engaged. Same as 'camped'. Used in reference to the halt.
Passage-like or Passagey Trot
A trot in which the phase of support of one diagonal pair of legs is prolonged while there is a hesitation in the forward travel of the other diagonal pair of legs, giving a floating, hovering impression. Also called 'hovering trot'.
Avoidance of picking up a foot in the proper rhythm, turning around a grounded (or 'stuck') foot. Used in reference to pirouettes or turns on the haunches or forehand.
The highest point of the horse's skull (the occipital crest). In common dressage usage, 'flexion at the poll' refers to the lateral or longitudinal flexion in the two joints immediately behind the poll (see 'flexion').
1. The lateral flexion at the atlanto-axial joint so that the horse 'looks' to the side, e.g., 'position right' or 'position left'.
2. The posture of the rider.
Correctness of the order of the footfalls and phases of the gaits.
Pushing out
Hind legs operating too far behind the horse, pushing backwards more than carrying.
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Correctness of the gate, to include purity, evenness, and levelness. Irregularities may be momentary or pervasive, and they may or may not be caused by unsoundness. In the Collective Mark of gaits, regularity is used to address only purity and soundness. (Not used to mean unvarying tempo.)
1. Unruffled mental state. Calmness, without anxiety or nervousness.
2. Absence of muscular tension (contraction) other than that needed for optimal carriage, strength, and range and fluency of movement.
Physical opposition by the horse against the rider. Not synonymous with disobedience nor with evasion. Can be momentary or pervasive.
The characteristic sequence of footfalls and phases of a given gait. For purposes of dressage, the only correct rhythms are those of the pure walk, pure trot, and pure canter (not those of amble, pace, rack, etc.). Not to be confused with 'Tempo' or 'Cadence'.
Rocking/Rocking Horse Canter
A canter in which the neck/forehand goes too much up and down, due to lack of sufficient forward movement, lack of sufficient engagement, or to interference by the rider.
1. The convexity of the profile of the horse's topline.
2. The circular, as opposed to linear or flat quality, characterizing the movements or action of the horse's limbs.
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Sv: Dressyrtermer - från Global DF


1. The convexity of the profile of the horse's topline.
2. The circular, as opposed to linear or flat quality, characterizing the movements or action of the horse's limbs.
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Amplitude (reach and roundness) of movement.
Self- Carriage
State in which the horse carries itself in a balanced, correct, and unconstrained posture, without taking support or balancing on the riders hand.
1. Used in reference to the condition of the musculature of the horse's topline/back: sagging, lacking muscle tone or springy resilience.
2. Used in reference to the reins: lacking contact.
1. Attempting to jerk the reins through the rider's hands.
2. Used in reference to one or both hind legs: picking up the leg(s) jerkily, and sometimes excessively high.
Refers to miles per hour, i.e., how fast the ground is covered. The horse's speed van be increased through increasing the length of stride or increasing the tempo, or both. Increased tempo does not necessarily mean increased speed. Not to be confused with impulsion.
Reluctance to lift the feet off the ground. Earthbound.
Inability (as opposed to unwillingness) to flex the joints or stretch the musculature to the degree and in the way required to perform the task at hand (often confused with 'Tense' or 'Resistant'.)
1. Used in reference to tracking: the hind legs follow the same path and step in the same direction as the forelegs (e.g., haunches neither left nor right on centerline).
2. Used in reference to the alignment: the horse's body parts are in correct alignment with each other for the task at hand ( e.g., shoulder-in, leg-yielding, circle, corner, etc., not twisted neck or popped shoulder).
3. Used in reference to line of travel: the directness of the route by which the horse proceeds from one point to another (e.g., not straight on diagonal FXH)
Cycle of movements that is completed when the horse's legs regain their initial positions. At the trot, for example, this would include a beat (footfall of the diagonal pair), a period of suspension, another beat, and another period of suspension. Length of stride refers to the amount of ground covered by the above entire sequence.
Strung Out
Too elongated; lacking good carriage, longitudinal balance, and connection.
A foot remains grounded, thus breaking the rhythm of the gait.
The yielding of the horse's will to that of the rider, as revealed by a constant attention, willingness, and confidence in the attitude f the horse, as well as by the harmony and ease displayed in the correct execution of the movements, including correct bend, acceptance of and obedience to the rider's aids, and a balance appropriate to the task at hand.
Pliability; showing ability to smoothly adjust the carriage (longitudinally) and the position or bend (laterally), without impairment of the flow of movement, or of the balance.
The moment or phase of the trot or canter in which the horse has no feet on the ground.
1. A test movement- An uninterrupted sequence of rein backs followed by forward steps in walk. The number of steps is prescribed, and the whole procedure may be repeated several times, followed by an onward transition (as in 'back 4, forward 4, back 4, proceed collected trot').
2. See 'Swinging Back'.
Swinging Back
The alternating rhythmic contraction and stretching of the long back muscles, first on one side, then the other, which give springiness and elasticity to the horse's movements, and allows the thrust from the hind legs to 'come through the back'. See Foreign Terms- 'Schwung'.
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Rate of repetition of the rhythm. Faster tempo is more strides or beats per minute. Tempo is not necessarily correlated with length of stride or miles per hour. The words 'rhythm' and 'regularity' are often mistakenly used interchangeably with tempo.
(verb) To contract or shorten the muscles; generally used to indicate sustained contraction (without the requisite alternating relaxation of the muscles).
(adj.) 1. Referring to the horse's mental state: anxious, nervous.
2. Referring to the horse's physical state: strained; taut; showing sustained muscular contraction (impairing optimal carriage, and range and fluency of movement). Often the physical and mental states go hand in hand.
Throughness, (stepping) Through, (stepping) Through the Neck/Bridle, Through Lettingness
The supple, stretched, and unblocked state of the horse's musculature. See 'Connection' and foreign terms 'Durchlässigkeit'.
Tipping or cocking the head (lowering one ear)- an evasion.
1. (verb) Referring to a foot or feet, to travel in a line or path (e.g., the horse tracks straight with his left hind). (noun) The lines of travel of feet, viewed and counted by the observer as the horse approaches him (e.g., 3 or 4 tracks for shoulder-in).
2. Direction of travel, as in 'track right' (when all corners are right turns/right hand is toward the center of the arena).
3. Used to refer to lateral movements- movements on '2 tracks'.
4. The path next to the rail in an arena.
Tracking up
The hind feet step into the tracks of the forefeet.
1. Usually applied in half-pass and leg-yielding to describe the lack of parallelism to the long axis of the arena (trailing haunches).
2. Sometimes used to refer to the operation of the hind legs too far behind the horse (as in trailing hind legs).
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Unequal height of steps or bearing of weight on both sides.
Unequal height of steps or bearing of weight on both sides.
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Wandering, Wavering, Weaving
Meandering, drifting, not moving forward on a straight line from one point to another.
Whipping Up
The repeated active upward evasion of the croup (usually in canter when the hind legs do not step sufficiently through, or in piaffe when the horse avoids lowering the haunches).
Wide behind
The horse travels with the hind feet further apart than the forefeet (an evasion of engagement which occurs most commonly in piaffe, lengthening of stride in trot and hind legs spread in halt.
Appearing to lose balance from side to side, even while traveling on a straight line.
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The steady, continuous, elastic connection which the horse seeks with the rider's hands. It can vary from very light to strong. Acceptance of contact.
Erection or elevation of the neck.
The horse's willing yielding to soft rein pressure while staying reliably on the bit.
That quality in a horse that permits the aids (primarily the rein aids) to go through and reach and influence the hind legs. See 'Connection', 'Throughness/Through Lettingness'.
Geschlossener Halt
See 'Closed Halt'.
Lowered haunches. See 'Engaged'.
A horse whose back swings elastically with his gait, particularly noticeable at trot.
See 'Swing', definition #1.
(Literally 'Leg-goer') A horse back does not swing or appear to participate in the horse's movement.
The powerful thrust emanating from the hindquarters propelling the horse forward and traveling through an elastically swinging back and relaxed neck.
Loosening of the reins by moving the hands forward along the horse's neck, to demonstrate that the horse is in self carriage- neither increasing nor decreasing the pace, nor changing the balance or outline.

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