Vad säger ni om det?
What Are the Characteristics of a Naughty Dog?
1. Charisma. No, really. Charisma is persuading everyone that you’re doing what they want you to, even though you’re not. I’d say all dogs have some charisma but some have more than others or, maybe, some know how to work it better than others (and thus get away with more.)
2. Desire to Please. Naughty dogs are performing for us. They want us to approve of their misbehaving.
3. Willingness to Disobey. As in, “I know you just said to get my head out of the trash, but I’m going to grab that chicken bone in there and then run around the apartment taunting you with it” sort of behavior.
4. Sense of (Canine) Humor. Yes, dogs laugh with their tails. And, yes, dogs somehow understand that, when we laugh, it’s a good thing. They like to make us laugh. They just do.
5. A Sense of (Human) Humor. Whether a dog is funny and, therefore, naughty instead of annoying or frustrating depends on our perception of their behavior. If you laugh and engage with your dog when he steals the toilet plunger for the upteenth time, he’ll keep on stealing it and you’ll keep on having pictures of your dog and a toilet plunger to post on Facebook. Which brings us to...
Why Are Some Dogs Naughty?
1. To Get Attention. This is the main reason dogs are naughty, which shows that naughtiness is a rather special phenomenon between humans and canines. You will not see dogs behaving this way when alone with other dogs.
2. To Prove a Point. They don’t look at it this way, but you’ll find that if your dog keeps doing the same naughty thing over and over, he’s probably trying to tell you something such as “I’m stealing the toilet plunger because I really need to get outside to play fetch.”
3. To Cheer You Up. Not all dogs have this wild ability to empathize with humans but many do. Both of my pit bulls have this ability -- Hudson sticks close to me when I’m depressed, but Falstaff plays the clown and does naughty things to cheer me up. I can’t explain it, but it’s really cool.
So, what separates “naughty” from just plain “bad?” We all know there is no such thing as a Bad Dog, though the number of dogs dressed up as devils for Halloween would suggest otherwise. Mostly whether a dog’s behavior is naughty or is a matter of degrees.
1) tax
2) Bullterrier
3) Jack russell
4) Mops
5) Malteser
7) Yorkshire terrier
8) Lab
9) Engelsk bulldog
10) Beagel
Fattar jag det rätt att det är skrivet med lite glimten i ögat så naughty betyder inte olydig utan mer retsam/påhittig?
I så fall kan jag hålla med om att taxar är påhittiga, retsamma och verkar ha humor
Om de är bäst av alla raser på det har jag ingen aning om då jag inte haft nån annan ras.
Om de menar seriöst att taxar är olydiga på nåt sätt håller jag inte med om. Man vet ju hur amerikaner behandlar sina hundar. Inte mycket till stimulans och ja då är nog taxen inte så rolig att ha inomhus. Vår hund har aldrig förstört nånting. Han har rensat soppåsen en gång men då hade vi själva glömt den framme så får skylla oss själva.
Hur är det med era hundraser?
Vad säger ni om det?
What Are the Characteristics of a Naughty Dog?
1. Charisma. No, really. Charisma is persuading everyone that you’re doing what they want you to, even though you’re not. I’d say all dogs have some charisma but some have more than others or, maybe, some know how to work it better than others (and thus get away with more.)
2. Desire to Please. Naughty dogs are performing for us. They want us to approve of their misbehaving.
3. Willingness to Disobey. As in, “I know you just said to get my head out of the trash, but I’m going to grab that chicken bone in there and then run around the apartment taunting you with it” sort of behavior.
4. Sense of (Canine) Humor. Yes, dogs laugh with their tails. And, yes, dogs somehow understand that, when we laugh, it’s a good thing. They like to make us laugh. They just do.
5. A Sense of (Human) Humor. Whether a dog is funny and, therefore, naughty instead of annoying or frustrating depends on our perception of their behavior. If you laugh and engage with your dog when he steals the toilet plunger for the upteenth time, he’ll keep on stealing it and you’ll keep on having pictures of your dog and a toilet plunger to post on Facebook. Which brings us to...
Why Are Some Dogs Naughty?
1. To Get Attention. This is the main reason dogs are naughty, which shows that naughtiness is a rather special phenomenon between humans and canines. You will not see dogs behaving this way when alone with other dogs.
2. To Prove a Point. They don’t look at it this way, but you’ll find that if your dog keeps doing the same naughty thing over and over, he’s probably trying to tell you something such as “I’m stealing the toilet plunger because I really need to get outside to play fetch.”
3. To Cheer You Up. Not all dogs have this wild ability to empathize with humans but many do. Both of my pit bulls have this ability -- Hudson sticks close to me when I’m depressed, but Falstaff plays the clown and does naughty things to cheer me up. I can’t explain it, but it’s really cool.
So, what separates “naughty” from just plain “bad?” We all know there is no such thing as a Bad Dog, though the number of dogs dressed up as devils for Halloween would suggest otherwise. Mostly whether a dog’s behavior is naughty or is a matter of degrees.
1) tax
2) Bullterrier
3) Jack russell
4) Mops
5) Malteser
7) Yorkshire terrier
8) Lab
9) Engelsk bulldog
10) Beagel
Fattar jag det rätt att det är skrivet med lite glimten i ögat så naughty betyder inte olydig utan mer retsam/påhittig?
I så fall kan jag hålla med om att taxar är påhittiga, retsamma och verkar ha humor
Om de menar seriöst att taxar är olydiga på nåt sätt håller jag inte med om. Man vet ju hur amerikaner behandlar sina hundar. Inte mycket till stimulans och ja då är nog taxen inte så rolig att ha inomhus. Vår hund har aldrig förstört nånting. Han har rensat soppåsen en gång men då hade vi själva glömt den framme så får skylla oss själva.
Hur är det med era hundraser?