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Arsenik kopplat till riskonsumtion bekräftats i omfattande studie
(fritt översatt) rubrikens original:
Arsenic link from eating rice confirmed by major study
En studie av mer än 18.000 personer i Bangladesh visar ett samband mellan riskonsumtion och arsenikexponering och toxicitet. (förgiftning)
Underrubrik originaltext:
A study of more than 18,000 people in Bangladesh has established a link between rice consumption and arsenic exposure and toxicity.
Studien visar att de som åt mycket ris hade mer arsenik i sin kropp än de som inte åt ris. De risätade hade mer sjukliga hudförändringar som är tecken på arsenikförgiftning i kroppen.
"Dåliga nyheter för riskonsumenter är att vi och andra har visat att det innehåller hög koncentration av arsenik , särskilt den giftiga formen oorganisk arsenik" .
"The bad news for rice consumers is that we and others have shown that it contains high concentration of arsenic, especially the toxic forms of this element known as inorganic arsenic."
"Although there have been studies before which have suggested a connection, this research, carried out by scientists from America, Asia and
De Montfort University, in Leicester, UK, is the biggest-ever study of its kind.
Tests carried out on those who ate large amounts of rice showed they had higher levels of arsenic in their system than those who did not. Furthermore, those who ate more rice had more symptoms such as skin lesions, a sign of arsenic toxicity in the body."