Tänkvärd läsning kring betsling


Jag läste precis färdigt det lilla häftet "The Loriner: Opinions and Observations on Bridle-bits and the Suitable Bitting of Horses, with Illustrations" av Benjamin Latchford, från 1871. Och texten jag citerar nedan känns som oumbärlig läsning ännu idag, nästan 150 år senare:

"For some years past, many of my friends and acquaintances have expressed a very great wish that I should put on record my opinions on and experiences of, the proper Bitting of Horses, which I now do as briefly and explicitly as I can. The proper title for my profession is Loriner, which signifies a Bridle-Bit
Maker. One of the most respectable Companies of the City of London is the Worshipful Company of Loriners or Bridle-Bit Makers — (see appendix).

Occasionally some one writes on the proper bitting of horses, sometimes giving their opinion on the construction of the bridle, saddle, or the harness, (neither of which has anything to do with the proper bitting of horses) ; giving but little edification or instruction to the class of society of this country who keep horses, and who in all probability, know more practically, than the writers of such articles. I have always found in my long experience
that the horse's mouth and temper may be compared to a lock, so made, that only one key will fit it; and to find the right Bit — patience and perseverance are necessary in so doing. On no account punish the horse ; on no account hurt his mouth. When my friends have come to me concerning their unmanageable horses, I invariably find the poor animal has been over bitted, or wrongly bitted, and recommend the easiest kind of bit, which, in nine cases out of ten, succeed. But there are exceptions to this rule ; occasionally I have met with a good bred horse, the skin of whose mouth is very thick, thereby requiring a sharper mouthpiece to accommodate the sense of feeling ; but certainly never over-bit the horse. I can well remember when most riders habitually held on to the bridle ; — thanks to better education in the equestrian art, such is now the exception, not the rule ; for it cannot be expected the horse can do his work right or well, if he has to carry his rider with his mouth, neither can the rider derive the pleasure he seeks, unless he sits well in the saddle. If the bit does not suit the horse, he will tell his master so by such means as he can — such as restlessness, generally as soon as the bridle is put on, throwing his head about, yawning, going with his head on one side, or carrying his head unusually high or low. I believe the horse has naturally no vice ; that every description of vice found in the horse is created by the treatment he receives from those in whose care he is placed.
But I am straying from my professed object ; I am a Loriner and ought to confine myself to bridle-bits alone. I will give one or two instances (out of hundreds I am acquainted with): — At the time when John Tilbury of Pinner, Middlesex, kept many first-class horses, an intimate friend of his whose town house was in Berner's Street, Oxford Street, and his country house at Richmond Hill, had a beautiful black cab horse, he was a full sized animal, of splendid symmetry and his pace not amiss, as he always took the cab with his master, mistress, and tiger, without the use of whip, from one house to the other within the hour. He came to me, after unsuccessfully trying all the bits Mr. Tilbury had; and by Mr. Tilbury's recommendation he told me the horse had worked extremely well for some considerable time, but for the last six or eight months had carried his head on one side, so much so that he was sure he could not see his way properly. I told him I thought the horse was over bitted ; he was quite sure he was not. I shewed him an old Stanhope bit. No. 85, with a very easy mouthpiece, which I offered to lend him to try ; it was very old fashioned and of scarcely any value ; he said, " Do you want to see my cab smashed and one or more killed?" I asked him whether the horse was a kicker ; he said, " No he was not ;" then I offered to get into the Cab myself and drive, but he said my life was of more value to society than his, and that it would appear cowardly of him if anything was to occur ; so after an hour or so, he consented to try the bit. I put it on, he drove away, and in half an hour called to ask me to lend it to him for a few days ; I told him to keep it a week or fortnight. He came in about a fortnight after and asked me the price of the bit. I told him I would make one for him with the cheeks to match his carriage bit, which was a very handsome one I had made a short time previously ; he was very pleased with the bit, and paying me the high price of his carriage bit for it, said it was the cheapest article he had ever bought, for with it his horse run as straight as an arrow — and that the bit and horse should never be separated while he lived.

Another instance is in the case of a not very rich Gentleman, born and bred to the hunting-fields, who bought horses, (and he thought were superior hunters,) that the owners could not manage, for, say, twenty guineas. By patience and kind perseverance he would find the right sort of bit, and by strict attention, coax him away from any and every vice he found the horse had previously contracted. Some time since he came to me for a No. 2. Segundo bit, and related to me as follows : I gave twenty guineas for a horse I have now sold ; I never give more than twenty guineas, and when I sell, my price invariably is one hundred and twenty guineae. The horse that I have just sold, I purchased for twenty guineas, because no one could ride him. First, I found the bit to suit his mouth, then with kind treatment and proper exercise, I soon had the best hunter in the field. A young nobleman, with three or four good hunters, was very vexed that he could not keep with me ; he bought my horse, which of course I sent to his stables. The next out the horse was no better than his others ; another day and still the same ; he cursed, he swore, and in his passion, said he would have the horse shot. Of course the Gentlemen of the hunt would not allow such a thing with a horse they had seen work so well, so he sold me the horse for twenty guineas, and I put my old bridle on the right bit — and took the lead as before, which so exasperated the young nobleman, that he challenged my education in riding ; said he could ride as well as I could, he had been taught by as good masters as I had, and a great deal more of such intemperate language, and after some five or six good runs, said he must have the horse, for he could not longer bear to be left in the cold. So next time we went out, being very near each other, and seeing he was very much out of temper, I offered to change seats : I ride his horse and he ride mine ; and all went well. He was delighted, and on our return he gave me the second one hundred and twenty guineas, and I sent the horse to his stables — Bridle and Saddle, just as he was ; with instructions always to use him in that Bridle and Saddle, and no other ; and as I have another horrse the No. 2. Segundo bit suits so well — I am come to buy one." I could give hundreds of similar instances of unintentional cruelty to horses, by forcing them to go with wrong bits, but hope the two will suffice. I frequently tell my friends, that out of every twenty bits I make, nineteen are for men's heads and not more than one really for the horse's head. I admit temper sometimes has something to do with it ; but are not some of us bad tempered sometimes? What better means have we to meet such cases, than patience and kindness? Please your horse and your horse will please you. It is a great mistake on the part of any one to suppose he has found any one peculiar Bit that will suit all horses. No part of God's creation is more varied — consequently require more patience and kind attention — than the horse's mouth and temper. [...]"

Några särskilt tänkvärda citat (för de som inte orkade läsa allt;) ):

I have always found in my long experience that the horse's mouth and temper may be compared to a lock, so made, that only one key will fit it; and to find the right Bit — patience and perseverance are necessary in so doing. On no account punish the horse ; on no account hurt his mouth.

I believe the horse has naturally no vice ; that every description of vice found in the horse is created by the treatment he receives from those in whose care he is placed.

I frequently tell my friends, that out of every twenty bits I make, nineteen are for men's heads and not more than one really for the horse's head.

It is a great mistake on the part of any one to suppose he has found any one peculiar Bit that will suit all horses.
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