Gjorde lite efterforskningar i en hästs stamtavla och den hade där färgbetäckningen Overa (Paint). Eftersom det handlar om en spansk häst och ingen quarter så blev jag konfys, det finns nämligen inga skäckar i den rasen (mig veterligen).
så jag mailade en person som driver en större site om den spanska hästen och frågade om han kunde förklara något om färgen, då det inte fanns att läsa på på hans i övrigt väldigt genomtänkta och informativa sida. Han förklarade såhär:
Going to your questions, the colour "Overo" has brought a great deal of discussion. It is a colour you can see in many horses that were born in the past, but I do not know any horse today with that colour in the pedigrees of today´s horses. I am sure the colour has not dissapear, but has changed the name of the colour it describes. There is agreement on that historically there in a true connexion between "paint" and "overo". In old spanish language the term "vero" meant skin of various colours. Also the term "Veiro" in portuguese means the same. At the end of 17th century the term "Overo" was used to describe a "Paint" variety (black spots on white). More recently, and following the influence of the term "aubere" in French described first the redish spots on white, and later redish hair mixed with white hair, specially when the redish was a light red, giving the overall colour the appearence of the yellowish skin. To give you a more clear idea, "Overo" would mean today a horse looking like a yellowish grey chestnut, being the main different with a redish grey the fact the "Overo" would keep the colour, while the redish grey would fade over time. I do not think if this gives you some light.
En gulaktigt grå fux??
Jag bad om bild men han hade ingen... tydligen en ovanlig "färg". Denna overa-färgade häst har skimmelföräldrar, men morfar är "dun" och farfar är brun, resten av släkten är skimlar. Den fick tillsammans med ett brunt sto en svart avkomma. Om den informationen hjälper, er färgkunniga 
så jag mailade en person som driver en större site om den spanska hästen och frågade om han kunde förklara något om färgen, då det inte fanns att läsa på på hans i övrigt väldigt genomtänkta och informativa sida. Han förklarade såhär:
Going to your questions, the colour "Overo" has brought a great deal of discussion. It is a colour you can see in many horses that were born in the past, but I do not know any horse today with that colour in the pedigrees of today´s horses. I am sure the colour has not dissapear, but has changed the name of the colour it describes. There is agreement on that historically there in a true connexion between "paint" and "overo". In old spanish language the term "vero" meant skin of various colours. Also the term "Veiro" in portuguese means the same. At the end of 17th century the term "Overo" was used to describe a "Paint" variety (black spots on white). More recently, and following the influence of the term "aubere" in French described first the redish spots on white, and later redish hair mixed with white hair, specially when the redish was a light red, giving the overall colour the appearence of the yellowish skin. To give you a more clear idea, "Overo" would mean today a horse looking like a yellowish grey chestnut, being the main different with a redish grey the fact the "Overo" would keep the colour, while the redish grey would fade over time. I do not think if this gives you some light.
En gulaktigt grå fux??