Har det gällt 21 dgr + hela tiden eller? Jag hittade gamla papper där det stod +/- 21 dgr men har det ändrats iår eller innan? Ngn som vet?
Booster vaccinations must be given at 6-month intervals. However, to avoid interruption of the horses’ competition schedule, it is permissible to extend the 6-month booster date by a maximum of 21 days. This provides a 3-week window after the 6-month date to vaccinate the horse. (For example, a horse vaccinated on 18 March, has a window for the next vaccination from 18 Sep to 9 Oct). A shorter vaccination interval is obviously permitted.
Booster vaccinations must be given at 6-month intervals. However, to avoid interruption of the horses’ competition schedule, it is permissible to extend the 6-month booster date by a maximum of 21 days. This provides a 3-week window after the 6-month date to vaccinate the horse. (For example, a horse vaccinated on 18 March, has a window for the next vaccination from 18 Sep to 9 Oct). A shorter vaccination interval is obviously permitted.