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Official Rules for Expectant Mares
1. Thou shalt foal on the day thou is due.
2. Thou shalt foal during the daytime
3.Thou shalt foal while thy owner is home (preferably in the barn)
4. Thou shalt not show any signs of foaling until the day thou foals
5. Those signs will be exactly the same as those mentioned
in whichever foaling book thy owner has bought.
6. Thou shalt not make water or manure pies right after thy owner has cleaned thy stall.
7. Thou shalt not try to fool the milk strip tests
8. Thou shalt not try to eat the cam or it's hardware.
9. Thy cannot yell at the stallion during labor.
10. Thou shalt not foal UNDER the cam
11. Thou shalt foal directly in front of cam (rear presentation please)
12. Thou shalt not choose the day the cam goes down to foal
13. Thou shalt not roll onto thy owner during or after the birth.
14. Thou shalt accept the little one as your own and treat him or her with kindness and motherly love.
15. Thou shalt not chew on kick or bite the vet or thy owners while they work on thy baby.
16. Enjoy thy foal!