fråga om hingst och fölis.


är det någon som vet något om hingsten Wind dancer.. ?
har sett bild på honom o gillar det jags ett men vet inte nått om honom.
Hur klarar en fölunge långa transporter??
Vill man utsätta en fölunge för o åka runt 100 mil???
Sv: fråga om hingst och fölis.


Wind Dancer är född -97, 168 cm, e:Weltruhm-Argentan-Widerhall. Detta finns att läsa på
Hade inte tid att översätta allt nu.

"A real stallion with regard to his conformation, Wind Dancer proved his truly versatile talent and highest results for ridability already in his 30-day-test in Vechta in 2001, with top scores of 8.43 for dressage and 8.64 in the jumping arena. In 2002 he finished his 70-day-test in Neustadt/Dosse with more than 120 points in jumping, where he received the highest possible score of 10.0 for his excellent manners over the jumps.

Already Wind Dancer’s Pedigree shows him to be an excellent all-round-sire. His sire Weltruhm, also a black stallion, belongs to the most successful sons of Weltmeyer, for passing on extremely good ridability.

He has achieved a position in the top group of the FN breeding value assessment and is a reliable producer of auction horses who are in high demand at Verden . On the dam’s lineage of his pedigree Weltmeyer has the desired blood of Nevado xx.

The pedigree of Wind Dancer’s dam, the state premium mare Arabel, combines important performance sires of the Hanoverian breed, such as Argentan I, Widerhall and Duft I, the first one being a real all-round sire himself and father to the characteristic sire Argentinus.
The approved stallion Woronow (state stall. Celle) is an approved right brother to Wind Dancer.

Wind Dancer comes from the famous Hanoverian dam line of Narazina, which dates back far into the 19th century. Apart from many successful sports horses this line also produced the stallions Arier, Glimmer and Wielan (all of them state stall. Celle) and Wolkenstürmer (priv. stall. Rhpf.)."

Hälsningar Monika

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