Jag blir SÅ trött!!

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Sv: Jag blir SÅ trött!!

Howdy Bewildered
I think that you perhaps missunderstood me a little bit. What I said was not ment to any special person. It was ment to all of us horsefreeks. I know that everyone have his right to defend his opinion and what he/she believe on.
What I ment is that people have always talked about others and it probably always will be so. So what I ment to all, is that we should not care what people say or not.
It´s the same prejudices against the cowboy culture in the State and specially from Europe. The cowboy culture have unfortunately been twisted from Hollywood films etc.
The cowboy culture where the Western riding actually come from, is a further development from earlier Scandinavian cavallery (big Sweden when Sweden was a superpower in Europe) and also with portugies and spanish influence.
So you Swedes have a lot in common with what you today call western riding. The most of the first (cowboys) that took care of a cattle spread came from north europe, actually Sweden, Norway. Scottland, Ireland etc.
You know more than 25% of our Swedis population emigraited to USA. Further! the so called english riding have its routs from several King houses in Centre Europe.
What I ment with my earlier words was that the attack to each other is totaly meanless and I tell that to all of us that need to do this. We should stick together instead for what we defend and that is, our personaly conection to our horses, no mather style.
So let us care about our horses instead and stand over this "talk". You know "when the argument is finished, the stubilety take over"
But i do understand your reaction and You know? there is more "westernriding" than "classic" in the world but it dosen't prove
nothing. Right?
Me personaly, I dont even know how to ride Classic (europen) I think I probably would make suicide if I tried.
Sv: Jag blir SÅ trött!!

Nog skulle man bli lite kinkig allt.

är man ridlärare bör man förvänta sig att man kan behöva sitta upp å demonstrera lite. Så passande skor är ett måste tycker jag. Å ridhjälm har visserligen aldrig våran ridlärare med men vi är alla vuxna i gruppen så ridläraren kan låna utav oss som rider.

Å snacka skit om en annan ridlärare inför elever tycker jag e dålig stil.

men inget utav detta har ju med ridstilen att göra. Även om showerna brukar det vara hatt på och jag har noll koll om det sitter hjälm på under men det har ju lite med tradition att göra.
Sv: Jag blir SÅ trött!!

Howdy Bewildered
I think that you perhaps missunderstood me a little bit. What I said was not ment to any special person. It was ment to all of us horsefreeks. I know that everyone have his right to defend his opinion and what he/she believe on.
What I ment is that people have always talked about others and it probably always will be so. So what I ment to all, is that we should not care what people say or not.
It´s the same prejudices against the cowboy culture in the State and specially from Europe. The cowboy culture have unfortunately been twisted from Hollywood films etc.
The cowboy culture where the Western riding actually come from, is a further development from earlier Scandinavian cavallery (big Sweden when Sweden was a superpower in Europe) and also with portugies and spanish influence.
So you Swedes have a lot in common with what you today call western riding. The most of the first (cowboys) that took care of a cattle spread came from north europe, actually Sweden, Norway. Scottland, Ireland etc.
You know more than 25% of our Swedis population emigraited to USA. Further! the so called english riding have its routs from several King houses in Centre Europe.
What I ment with my earlier words was that the attack to each other is totaly meanless and I tell that to all of us that need to do this. We should stick together instead for what we defend and that is, our personaly conection to our horses, no mather style.
So let us care about our horses instead and stand over this "talk". You know "when the argument is finished, the stubilety take over"
But i do understand your reaction and You know? there is more "westernriding" than "classic" in the world but it dosen't prove
nothing. Right?
Me personaly, I dont even know how to ride Classic (europen) I think I probably would make suicide if I tried.

That's word on that ;) You gave me quite some info I didn't know before and for that i thank you, the more we learn the better we'll be.

Ike, if you ever come up here, pay me a visit and I'll let you ride my warmblod mare :D And buy you a beer or two
Sv: Jag blir SÅ trött!!

Jo, du fick fram vad jag menade på mkt mindre meningar än mig.. jag tror att jag pmar dig nästa gång så får du förklara :D
Sv: Jag blir SÅ trött!!

suck.. senast idag fick jag höra att sadeln jag har fått låna ca 5ggr nu var såld så sa jag på skämt "men VAD ska jag rida i nu då på dressyren?"(klubbtävling, dramatisk skämtsam ton) fick bittert som svar "du galloperar ju bara runt på långa tyglar, varför ska du ens vara med?" :mad:

nä nu ska jag bannemig rida som f*n i min gamla stubben som ger mig en sååå härlig stolsits, man kan inte dra bak benen för att det är ett "knästöd" precis i knävecket. :mad:
någon som vet vart man kan hitta en sadel att låna för en dag?
ska fråga några tjejjer på klubben, och de jag vet som har sadel ska ju självklart vara med på klubbtävlingen *suck*
Sv: Jag blir SÅ trött!!

Tackar :bow:

fast jag tror du får PM:a någon annan har inte direkt stor koll på western bara ståt i ett stall vars ägare är westernryttare å tränar NH.
Sv: Jag blir SÅ trött!!

Men du har iaf kopplat att man inte ska dömma ut folk med sadeln som bas! ^^ Och att du e "klassisk" gör ju det hela mkt bättre ;) *fniss*
Sv: Jag blir SÅ trött!!

Det hade jag hoppats att dom flesta lyckad med :)

Hehe kan ju inte döma ut western heller min dam kunnde ju göra slide pull eller vad det nu heter när jag köpte henne :D Dock ej på kommando eller något bör poängteras :angel:
Sv: Jag blir SÅ trött!!

Även om jag till fullo kan förstå upprördheten anser jag att det är fel att kommentera en tråd i ett annat forum. Det kan tolkas som att man försöker dra ihop ett gäng som uppmanas att komma in i den tråd som avses. Jag säger inte att det är så, men som en konsekvens av hur jag brukar agera låser jag den här diskussionen.

Stängd för vidare inlägg.

Bukefalos, Hästnyheter, Radannonser

Allmänt, Barn, Dagbok

Hund, Katt, Andra Djur


