Jag skrev det här på FB igår, och bifogade en bild med citatet "Feminism - the radical notion that women are people":
"Please don't congratulate me for being a woman. Statistically speaking, being a woman is actually pretty shit and not something to be congratulated for.
Please don't buy flowers, or a cake, or a gift, and a think that that's it - you've 'done International Women's Day right'. And if you do, at LEAST let it be accompanied by a sensible, open-minded conversation about (in)equality.
Please use this day to reflect on various women's situations around the world, and understand how much work we still have left to do before we're even close to achieving gender equality.
Please use this day to think about what you - man or woman - can do to make the world a better place for the nearly 4 billion women who live in it.
Please use this day to reflect on what things you do - perhaps subconsciously - that may contribute to the consolidation of harmful gender roles that lead to inequality. Trust me, we all have a few of those.
Please use this day to think about the huge amount of issues that face predominantly women today, and what YOU can do to help prevent them. We're talking objectification, discrimination, pay gaps, rape culture, honour crimes, period poverty, lack of rights to one's own body... The list goes on.
Please use this day to count your blessings, acknowledge your privileges and ask yourself "what can I do with the power that comes from being a privileged member of society?".
Please use this day to pay tribute to the strong women that have fought for their rights - for their rights to be acknowledged as people.
And whatever you do, please do NOT use this day to voice any sort of whataboutism. Just don't.
See this day for what it is: A reminder to reflect, discuss, and highlight the long list of issues at hand. To work to improve the lives of a group that represents nearly 50% of the global population.
And let's repeat the above tomorrow too. And the day after that. And the day after that."
Jag fick faktiskt ganska bra respons, från både kvinnor och män, men naturligtvis var det en (kvinnlig) bekant som var tvungen att ställa frågan "Men varför finns det ingen International Men's Day?" Jag tror att hon missade stycket som jag inleder med "And whatever you do"... Jag trodde först att hon skämtade, men så visade sig inte vara fallet tyvärr. Det blev en rätt, hrm, hetsig diskussion i kommentarerna och jag är glad att hon inte är mer än en avlägsen bekant
Hur kan någon 2021 fortfarande vara omedveten kring att det finns en internationell mansdag?
Märkligt nog är det ju inte den 19 november, som är den dagens datum, som man påminns av den. Icke! Det är 8 mars. Varje år. När man måste besvara just den whataboutism-kommentaren.