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Öppnade och kollade på det senaste mailet för att se om det fanns några nyckelord i mailet som jag kunde använda för att förbättra filterinställningarna, men blev mycket förbryllad över innehållet:
"and like the author, I believe that changing something as explicit as the manner in which the Son addressed God is treading on dangerous ground. We also want to hear all about it.
Ideally the worship service should be a setting where generations interact and learn from each other while lifting up the name of Jesus. I go to a NDC that has experienced some amazingly fast growth.
So yes, you know who this is. Of course, that approach is a pretty good way to kill my relationships with myself, my wife, and my marriage! I just want to kick myself that it took me over two weeks to find out you had returned to blogging!
CommentThey are not going elsewhere to be fed; as far as I can tell they arejust choosing to stay between the sheets on Sunday morning.
But does that make these things inherently wrong?
Thanks for giving me an opportunity to rest a little.
After a three month break from blogging I've decided that it's time for me to return. If it's forced on us, is it authentic? Surely we realize in a culture as diverse as ours, so is taste. If we preach a God that has the power to transform lives but we have no evidence of it, we won't grow. I don't have nearly the depth of knowledge they do on the subject but feel encouraged to know my thinking has followed their track somewhat. Look forward to some new content this fall. in part because they understood that God commanded the people to assemble themselves to worship. " I've seen numerous people cry when I prayed that for them. As you and many other commenters have already mentioned, I think too many people forget that those numbers DO represent actual people.
IMHO, that is what we are missing in much of the American church. I also find that those who cry gender inclusive turn God into a genderless entity which I feel is one inch from going into Deism.
These points were adapted from a talk I gave on church growth at a retreat over the weekend.
In the Old Covenant when people wanted to worship God they took their very best animal and killed it.
I visited a church recently, in another denomination, who had a "minister of announcements". "because no one takes fundamentalists seriously.
A healthy church must be multi-generational.
In fact, I was raised in a single parent family. That is an ultraconservative minimum.
The more likely scenario is that they won't get fed anywhere. The birthrate in the two UM churches I have belonged to have been quite high. And, I place large measure of blame on parents who allow that to happen.
However, they are supposed to mean new disciples.
I found that refreshingly realistic."
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